Today, while I was reading a book called We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For by Alice Walker, a stanza from a poem jumped out at me. I had just been there, and Ingrid had a picture of it on her blog to prove it. These are Walker's words and Ingrid's proof:
"Following is a poem about the writer's life, riddled as it is with pauses, times of incredible emptiness, times that can sometimes feel as fearful as the deepest night. And yet, with time, with maturity, and above all, with patience, one learns to dance with them.
The Writer's Life
During those times
I possess the imagination to ignore
The chaos
I live
The writer's life:
I lie in bed
Gazing out
The window
To my right
I notice
My neighbor
Is always painting
And repainting
His house.
To my left
My other neighbor
Speaks of too much shade
Of tearing
Our trees.
I paint
My house-
Orange and apricot,
butterscotch & plum-
I speak up
To save
The trees.
The days
I like best
Eating scones
With my lover
In them.
Walks on the beach
Picnics in the
That overlooks
The sea.
Hiking in the hills
Leaning on
Hiking sticks.
Writers perfect
The art
Of doing nothing
So beautifully.
We know
If there is
A butterfly
For miles
It will come
& maybe
On our head.
If there is a bird
Even flying aimless
In the next
It will not only
Where we are
But sing.
If there is a
It will
In the middle
Of our
Only once
Maybe more
& Announce
Thank you for that affirmation, Alice Walker, reminding me to pursue my path leisurely, even as the world is racing by me.
You can go to the Synchronizing blog for more details about Aunt Ruth, 'cause her daughter, my cousin, Lesley, definitely made a cool discovery:)
OHMYGOSH!!! The poem rings a deep chord within me too. Thank you Rachel for sharing this. :)
And I seem to recognize that picture... goes along so perfectly with the poem. :) I actually remember when I took that picture of myself (well my foot) with the view from the hammock, I was thinking what a picture it would make... like something that would be written about in a poem. And indeed, here is the proof! Both picture and poem have found eachother!
This poem is indeed a wonderful affirmation in pursuing our path for discovery and purpose ... to follow the pace of our hearts regardless of the pace of the world around us.
sorry my computer was acting up momentarily and publish my thoughts three times! From having difficulty to even publish one comment to now publishing repeated comments over and over again. haha
If you think that is scary, I just received this website from my friend Lora, saying something like "Be very afraid!":
Yes, I think your picture and that poem are soul mates:)
Aggh!!! Oh my goodness, I just referenced the zeno site and truly that is scary. What is this world coming to?! Technology in some aspects has gone too far. My landlord is a technology fan and I am like why? Why do we need all of these updates? Megabites and such. How is the purpose being served for humans? Entertainment has gone out of wack sometimes. Just like your post; what about those days where one just kicks back in a hammock and breathes for the pure joy of breathing? That is entertainment I like.
Word up!
That title "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For" is true. Can't get it out of my head.
If you haven't read it, then please do- it's soulful!
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